Policy Agenda

It’s time to shift Digital Identity discussions from data protection to data ownership

Influencing Public Policy

We initiate and support policies that drive recognition and adoption of secure digital identity solutions.

  • Individuals should have full control over how their digital identities are collected, stored, used, and shared.

  • We support secure, privacy-focused technologies that allow users to manage their data without relying on centralized entities.

  • Policies must safeguard identity information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure, ensuring access only with individual consent.

  • Digital identities should be portable and usable across platforms, without needing centralized authorization, creating a seamless experience for users.

  • We advocate for policies that tackle emerging threats, including AI-driven identity fraud, ensuring that businesses and individuals remain protected in an evolving digital landscape.

Vision For The Future

  • Individuals will own their digital identities and control what information they share, and with whom.

  • People can choose to monetize their personal data or keep it private.

  • Digital identities can be used across online and offline platforms, without being controlled by big tech.

  • Businesses that adopt privacy-focused identity solutions will earn customer loyalty and build digital trust.

  • Companies will provide stronger assurances that customer identity data is safe, addressing threats like AI-driven fraud.